You can make a difference.
Dufu places great value upon creating an environment where employees would maintain the highest standard of ethics, honesty, openness and accountability.
We recognise that it requires courage and personal quality such as righteousness, loyalty and impeccable integrity for an employee to step out and blow the whistle. These personal qualities and positive behaviours demonstrated by the whistleblowers are well acknowledged and will be taken into consideration, among others, for the employee’s career opportunities and advancement.
For whistleblowers who are non-employees, we sincerely appreciate your effort to raise the concern so that the management may take actions as appropriate.
Submit a report
We assure you that you can anonymously and safely report any improper conduct (misconduct or criminal offence) committed or is about to be committed within Dufu.
*All disclosures will be treated in the strictest confidence
Alternatively, you may submit your report to:
Ms. Joyce Wong Ai May
Chairman of Audit Committee
(Independent Non-Executive Director)