On par with industry best practices.
For Dufu, corporate governance is a form of self-regulation which is part of our sustainability journey aimed at enhancing business propositions, with consideration of various stakeholders’ values and expectations.
Our company policies and procedures have been constantly improved to ensure our corporate governance structure meets not only the legislative requirement on par with the industry best practices.
Code of
Conduct & Ethics
We are committed to achieving sustainable performance and delivering value to our customers and shareholders without compromising our ethical standards, behavioural expectation and trusted reputation.
The Code of Conduct & Ethics (CCE) of Dufu states the standards of responsibility and obligations and promotes fair dealing, integrity and ethical conduct in the way we conduct our business. The CCE, which is subject to periodic review, is our way to set the tone and standards in articulating acceptable practices and guide of behaviours expected from Directors, Management and employees that integrates into Dufu’s company-wide management practices.
At Dufu, we strive to uphold:
- Conducting all businesses with honesty, integrity and with high ethical standards
- Full compliance with the country’s laws, rules and regulations
- Promoting ethical behaviour
- Responsible use of DUFU’s resources
- Reporting any violation or any transaction or relationship that could give rise to a conflict of interest
By encouraging a whistle blowing culture, we hope to achieve a desirable organisation of transparent structure and effective, clear communication.
We have established and implemented policies and procedures on whistleblowing to facilitate the stakeholders of Dufu to report genuine concerns or allegations to a senior or independent member of the management of the Group about alleged unethical behaviour, actual or suspected fraud within the Group, or improper business conduct affecting the Group.
& Corruption
This Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABC) Policy is to further enforce Dufu’s Code of Conduct & Ethics to ensure that employees understand their responsibilities in compliance with the Dufu’s zero tolerance for bribery and corruption within the organisation.
Dufu upholds the highest standards of professional integrity and ethical conduct required and to comply with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption (MACC) Act 2009.
This ABC policy aims to ensure that all employees or Dufu are aware of their obligation to disclose any corruptions, briberies, conflicts of interest or similar unethical acts that they may have, and to comply with this policy to follow highest standards of ethical conduct of business.
MAY 2020
Dufu was recognised as RHB’s Top 20 Jewels (2020 Edition) which apart from growth prospects and earnings delivery, also emphasises on corporate governance screening.
Dufu was recognized by Forbes Asia as part of their 2021 Best Under A Billion list.
Dufu walks away with The Edge Billion Ringgit Club (BRC) award for the highest returns to shareholders over three years for the 2nd consecutive year.
Dufu was added to the constituents of the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia (“F4GBM”) Index and the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Shariah (“F4GBMS”) Index.
Board Diversity & Structure
The Board comprises a mixture of qualified and experienced directors with diverse experience, background and expertise. The combination of diverse professionals with varies background, experience and expertise in legal, finance and corporate affairs have also enabled the Board to discharge its responsibilities effectively and efficiently.