Executive Chairman
66 years
Dato’ Lee, Hui-Ta also known as Li Hui Ta was appointed as the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of Dufu Technology Corp. Berhad (“Dufu” or “Company”) on 1 September 2006. On 18 June 2015, he was appointed as Executive Chairman of the Group and subsequently, he relinquished his position as the Chief Financial Officer on 4 November 2016. He graduated with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from St. John’s & St. Mary’s Institute of Technology Taiwan in 1979. He also obtained a Degree in Business Administration from National Taipei University in 1988 and a Master of Business Administration from American California Miramar University in 2009.
Dato’ Lee commenced his career as an engineering supervisor with He Li Ying Precision Industry, Taiwan in 1981 dealing with precision components and was promoted to Managing Director in 1983 where he was responsible for the daily operations of the company’s production. In 1984, he co-set up Lee Bai Corp. Ltd. in Taiwan to manufacture precision quick die change systems for stamping tooling.
In 1990, he co-set up Dufu Industries Sdn Bhd (“DISB”) in Malaysia to manufacture precision tooling and precision machining parts for computer-related components. He has more than forty (40) years of experience in the precision tooling industry and in the CNC precision machining industry. He also sits on the board of several other private limited companies. He is primarily responsible for the financial management of the Group.
On 9 July 2022, he was granted the title of “Dato” after being conferred the Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri (“DSPN”) award. Previously, on 25 July 2017, he was conferred the Darjah Johan Negeri (“DJN”) award. These awards were presented in recognition of his exceptional contributions to society, particularly in reinforcing a strong investor stance to support the business community in the northern region.
None of the Directors has:
(i) any family relationship with other Directors and/or major shareholders of the Company, nor any conflict of interest with the Group except for Mr. Lee, Hui-Ta also known as Li Hui Ta is the spouse of Mdm Wang, Kuei-Hua, a major shareholder of the Company;
(ii) been convicted of any offence, other than traffic offences (if applicable) within the past five (5) years; and
(iii) been imposed with any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year ended 31 December 2023.